Mother's Day is returning strong in 2022! We are honored to be selected for the LA Under the Stars Film Festival. This film speaks to generations and i'm thrilled to see its voice carry. A massive thank you to la under the stars for a best actress nomination - can't wait for the festival! get tickets here, 2/10/22!
Video by big flavor films, based in austin, tx.
The world is in crisis mode right now and as we roam about the Maenad apartment/studio trying to keep ourselves busy by filming what we can, watching endless movies projected on our living room wall, and writing things that have become akin to “all news and no work makes the Maenad’s stir crazy girls”, we have come to some fascinating realizations. One, losing track of the day and time is way too easy when you have zero expectations to be anywhere. To my elderly parents whom I consistently harp on for forgetting almost everything, touché, you are only circumstantially senile. And B, these are serious times to re-evaluate how we are treating ourselves, our fellow human beings, and our world.
Every generation has had an epic world crisis. From plagues to world wars, the struggle of being a human is personal, tragic, and fragile. We are all uniquely effected by events surrounding us, we are all handling this current crisis as differently as we handle personal trauma, but make no mistake, what happens to each individual in this world, happens to us all. The reverberations of suffering can be felt through the collective conscious, so what has this worldwide pandemic truly taught us, connection. As we continue to learn new ways and bring back old ways of connection, we are being given a gift at a high price. Many of us are fighting for our lives, those of us that are lucky enough to survive, we have a choice how we move forward from now on. Thank you to everyone supporting one another through this monumental moment in history and thank you to big flavor films for this beautiful video. I leave you with a quote from Viktor Frankl that has been on my mind as of late, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” We are the choices we make, and now is a time to make some big ones. Last week we launched our Seed & Spark Crowdfunding Campaign for the second anthology of Tales From the Dancing Maenads. We are so excited for these five new films!
However, in light of the tragic events occurring worldwide, we will be scaling back in our fundraising ambitions. We want to reassure those that have donated or plan to, your contribution to the arts is greatly appreciated and will keep our artistic economy thriving here in Austin. If its right for you at this time, please consider contributing to the success of telling these beautiful stories HERE. Our ultimate goal is always to create and provide meaningful films to everyone. Art lifts the human spirit, and as people are asked to socially isolate, we have the virtual ability to continue to tell stories that connect and entertain, so that’s what we are going to do! Our first five films are now available to view on our website - - to watch in the quarantined comfort of your own home. Stay safe, we are all in this together, now more than ever. We love you all, The Maenads A massive thank you to jonathan chang @ voyage Dallas for this article. It is always a fabulous time talking film!
the maenads are heading to oxford, mississippi this march for our first festival screening in 2020 @ the oxford film festival! we are honored to have mother's day as a part of this festival in its 17th year of celebrating the art of independent cinema. get tickets and see what else is playing here.
We have an eventful year planned and we hope you can all join us at future screenings and events that celebrate the impact that film can have. Happy 2020 Everyone! on one of our favorite panels of the year, we had the honor of talking with tom provost. getting to discuss filmmaking, directors that have influenced us, and what it means to have women behind and in front of the camera with such an incredible host and audience was a highlight experience for the maenads.
the darlings is screening with dreamstate productions feature hyde, starring kelsey pribilski, tonight @ 7pm! this is going to be a unique event, including an immersive theatre experience with actors, soundscape, and set decor before the show starts. tickets sold out, but if you didn't get a ticket in time, join us after at the highball to meet and greet all the filmmakers. see everyone tonight and watch out for midnight warewolves!!! it's been an eventful year for mother's day! another win for best director (liz tabish) and best actress (ashley James).
The Maenad’s got to catch up with the lovely amy edwards today to chat about our upcoming adventures in film. check out the episode here! and join us Dec. 9th @ Alamo drafthouse South Lamar for an immersive theatre extravaganza featuring the darlings and hyde.